Siing magazine

Read Siing Magazine Issue 2


Read Siing Magazine Issue 2

Editor’s letter

Welcome to our second edition of the UK SIING magazine. There is such a lot in store for you here!

I am delighted that the female voice is so fully represented here, from singing with children, in Pellegrini’s article on pg.28, which delves into the functions of maternal singing, and the beautiful imagery of Bianca, singing the story of the bird in flight, (pg.42) which looks at ways to capture the natural musical imagination of children.

We also have a profile of the Afghan rapper, Sonita Alizadeh (pg.72). It is important that the world understands the environment of these places, of the people who fight through art to challenge their regimens. This sits very well with the poetry of Adam Lowe, (pg.48) representing another important figure fighting for change and equality.

Then, with a focus on middle age, and the ways that the menopause affects our voices. The article from Martin-Brown makes fascinating reading. I for one, will be purchasing the ‘Singing Through Change’ book to explore this further.

On the subject of purchases, I admit that Fussi’s article (pg.17) on Covid singing was both enlightening and for me, a little expensive, as I have now invested in an air purifier for my studio!

Not all the voices here belong to women however. One of the most profound voices of our time features in this issue’s ‘In conversation with,’ belonging to the engaging and important voice of Phil Minton. (pg.57)

This issue falls in the season of jazz – EFG London Jazz Festival, of course! We have highlighted a couple of events that we think are ‘not to be missed,’ but you will also find a link to a full listing of what’s on throughout the festival.

Finally – a call to arms! If you have worked on any community singing projects we would like to hear from you. Bentley’s series on Music and Health (pg.25) here continues on the theme of dementia, but will be opening up into wider issues going forwards.

You can direct your questions and comments to us at

Enjoy your reading! Albert Hera


Contents in this issue…

03 – Editor’s letter
06 – New music and projects
08 – This month…
12 – Singing through Change_ how much do you know?
17 – Singing in Covid time
25 – Singing and dementia 2: Five strategies to unlock the power of music
28 – Singing to children: the functions of maternal singing
34 – Remembering: On Collaborative Vocal Improvisation, the pandemic, and the journey of an album
38 – Who said a singing lesson takes one hour?
42 – Children as “healthy carriers” of creative musical experience and skills
48 – Marsha P.Johnson over New York Pride
50 – Parlour Songs and the good old “Sing-Song”
57 – In conversation with…Phil Minton
62 – Piazzolla for singers: his legacy 100 years from his birth
65 – Playing for change: great voices hidden and revealed
72 – Sonita Alizadeh
76 – What’s on

Read Siing Magazine Issue 2

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