Siing magazine

Singing: breathing for the soul


Singing: breathing for the soul

Breathing for the soul
article written by Dr. Raffaella Pellegrini

Beyond a purely technical vision of breath.
Every singer knows the importance of breathing.

breathing and breathBut breath also plays a fundamental role in the perceptible modifications of the body energy, in the emotional expression of the performance, and the
connection with the other musicians.
Breathing is both an automatic process and a voluntary behavior: a thin bridge between mind and body. This is the base concept for the many pieces of training used to reduce and manage emotional activation and anxiety.
In Eastern traditions and curanderì€a, breath and its materialisations (such as singing) are key tools to grow awareness and connect with a greater reality.
It is no coincidence that singers often report experiences of relaxation, peace, and spiritual transcendence (Clift & Hancox, 2001).



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