siingmagazine issue 4
Siing magazine

Read Siing Magazine Issue 4

Editor’s letter With this fourth edition, we have reached the end of the first year of Siing Magazine publications, achieving what we set out to do: entering the world of online publishing with a magazine dedicated to voice and singing. I believe …

Siing magazine

Read Siing Magazine Issue 3

Editor’s letter I suppose it is something to do with the time of year, that I have been reflecting on events of the last twelve months. SIING magazine has obviously been a big change for us this year, bringing together the voices of …

Siing magazine

Read Siing Magazine Issue 2

Editor’s letter Welcome to our second edition of the UK SIING magazine. There is such a lot in store for you here! I am delighted that the female voice is so fully represented here, from singing with children, in Pellegrini’s article on …

Siing magazine

Read Siing Magazine Issue 1

Editor’s letter Hello and welcome to the first edition of SIING magazine! It has been quite an adventure to get to this point, following hot on the heels of the launch in Italy. We have a feast of articles for you from …

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Siing Magazine the first online magazine dedicated to singing

When & Why Was Siing Magazine born? Siing Magazine was born at the beginning of 2021, from the desire to share readings and reflections on singing, analyzed from the widest possible perspective, since singing is not only a form of communication but …