Siing Magazine the first online magazine dedicated to singing

When & Why Was Siing Magazine born?

Siing Magazine was born at the beginning of 2021, from the desire to share readings and reflections on singing, analyzed from the widest possible perspective, since singing is not only a form of communication but also an artistic expression with historical and linguistic , anthropological and cultural foundations.
There is no magazine exclusively dedicated to singing, and SIING is intended as a vehicle that allows us to understand and explore ourselves; the aim is to reach, in addition to the musicians and voice experts in the sector, people who are passionate or curios about this universe.
For this reason, our intent will be to keep strong the principle of research, curiosity and transversality.

Curiosity is the driving force behind this project, since it is a living part of any art and in particular of singing, a place and a subject so vast that it always has an unstoppable exploratory reason, and Siing Magazine wants to satiate this hunger by proposing itself as a strong and open space that allows anyone to have an understanding of singing and its energy in the social sphere.
It will not be a temporary magazine, destined to grow old over time.
The articles will always be up-to-date and there will be the possibility, through hyxlinks, to access further information on the portal.
Each of the writers is an expert in their subject and will share light anecdotes, peculiarities, ideas related to the people who do this job or who gravitate around them.
I want to thank Musicians & Producers Srls, in particular Barbara Bergomi and Massimo Monti, editors, who have embraced the project with great enthusiasm and professionalism and my travel companions, fantastic bloggers who with great professionalism bring their passion and their knowledge within this Magazine that wants to “look beyond”.

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